USfuture SavingsSM

Savings made simple with our most popular savings account. Automatically set money aside, earn interest and track your savings on the go with our USfuture Mobile® app.

Account subject to approval

$5 or $0 Monthly Service Fee.

Benefits of USfuture SavingsSM

Earn interest

Your account will earn interest.


It's easy to save when linked to a Chase checking account.

ATM & branches

Access to 15,000 ATMs and more than 4,700 branches.

Online & mobile banking

Manage your savings from anywhere.

Other miscellaneous fees apply: 

  1. USfuture Mobile® app is available for select mobile devices. Message and data rates may apply.
  2. New and converted accounts will not be charged a Monthly Service Fee for at least the first two statement periods. After that the Monthly Service Fee will apply unless you meet one of the ways to avoid the Monthly Service Fee each statement period (if applicable).
  3. Autosave is not available with USfuture First Banking.
  4. Savings-account interest is compounded and credited monthly, based on the daily collected balance. Interest rates are variable and determined daily at USfuture’s discretion and are subject to change without notice. Balance tiers are applicable as of the effective date of these rates and may change at USfuture’s discretion. Account fees could reduce earnings. CD interest is fixed for the duration of the term and is compounded daily.
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